Hungarian hikers rescued after getting lost

Five Hungarian hikers were rescued from freezing to death on a mountain in Lower Austria on Monday night.The group of friends called local rescue authorities around 9pm after getting lost on the Rax mountain range at dusk.The hikers were eventually discovered and salvaged by a group of rescuers after 0.30am. They were discharged from a local clinic after being treated for hypothermia.This incident comes on the heels of the discovery of a dead pensioner in Friedberg. The 83-year-old Styrian was reported as missing by relatives on Sunday. His body was found on the bottom of an embankment not far from his house the next day.Temperatures have dropped to minus 20 degrees centigrade at night-time in some areas of snow-covered Austria in the past few days.Meteorologists said there is just little chance for significant snowfall this weekend while temperatures will remain extremely low.