‘Mega happy’ mum murderer sentenced

A teenage girl who stabbed her mum to death after an argument over internet-surfing got out of control was jailed for murder yesterday (Weds).Angelika D., 14, told the jury at Vienna Criminal Court that she had had no intention to end her mother’s life. But a psychiatrist’s report presented by prosecutor Christian Mayer concluded that she had stabbed her 37-year-old mother Svetlana seven times with a kitchen knife at their flat in Vienna-Margareten last April with an intent to kill her. Mayer said the girl’s statement contradicted the “severity of the attack.”Angelika D. hid in the Vienna Woods for hours after the incident. Police spokesman Roman Hahslinger said the girl had made a “disturbing impression” when officers tracked her down.The teenager faced up to 10 years in jail, but the jury – who ruled the attack was murder – opted for a five-year term. The verdict is not yet legally binding.Judge Beate Matschnig said the teen would serve her sentence in Lower Austria’s Schwarzau Women’s Prison, where she will do an apprenticeship. Angelika D. – who cried in court – could walk free in around two and a half years if she engages in good behaviour behind bars.Dad Miroslav D., 54, who stroked her back after the verdict was announced, explained: “My wife was always unhappy and unsatisfied with her life. She needed someone to vent her anger on. Unfortunately, she used to choose our daughter.”Viennese newspapers revealed days after the killing that the teenager had written on her internet blog that she would be “mega happy” about her mum’s death.The girl, who named X-rated horror movies such as “Saw” and “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” as her favourite flicks, wrote around six months before the fatal argument: “Today my mum and I quarrelled about surfing the internet again. When she asked my why I didn’t do the washing instead of being online all the time and tried to take my notebook from me, I got aggressive and beat her.”She went on: “I would love to kill her. She once hit me after I called her a ‘cunt’ and a ‘bitch’. What a shame I didn’t grab a knife to slash her throat. […] Honestly, I promise the next time this happens, I’ll knife her. And then she will perish, and I will be mega happy. I’ll end up in jail, but that will be a hundred times better than living with her.”