Romanian ‘who torched prostitute arrested’

A Romanian gang leader suspected of setting a prostitute on fire in Vienna has been arrested in the Netherlands, according to newspapers.Viennese dailies report today (Weds) that Adrian Bogdan Negrei was caught in the city of Amsterdam while potential accomplices were still being sought. Police have not yet commented on the claims.A Europe-wide hunt for the 29-year-old was launched after he allegedly doused prostitute Florentina M. with petrol outside the “Fantastic” nightclub in Vienna-Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus three weeks ago in an argument over the amount of protection money she had been paying him.The 35-year-old Romanian woman survived the attack but suffered severe third degree burns and doctors at Vienna’s AKH clinic – where she is still hospitalised – have said she will remain disfigured for life.The main suspect – who is nicknamed “Cretu” among prostitution Mafia players – moved to Austria only shortly before the incident after having lived in the Netherlands for some years.