Holy water cauldron puts toddler in hospital

General News

The two-year-old son of an Italian family visiting a church in Spitz was hit by the 200 pound holy water cauldron and was seriously injured. Police said that during the family’s visit to the parish church in Spitz in the Krems district of Lower Austria on Wednesday noon the little boy pulled himself up on […]

Mayor’s Mon Chéri praline not poisoned

General News

A Mon Chéri praline left on the windscreen of a Styrian female mayor’s car last Saturday was not poisonous, provincial authorities said today (Fri).In an earlier incident, another Mon Chéri praline left on the windscreen of Mayor Hannes Hirtzberger’s car in Spitz, Lower Austria, on 9 February 2008 was laced with strychnine. He became brain […]

Dead mice sent to mayor


An Upper Austrian mayor has received a praline box containing two dead mice and an anonymous, threatening letter, according to website krone.at.Walter Ernhard, the Social Democratic (SPÖ) mayor of Ansfelden in Upper Austria’s Linz-Land district, confirmed the report and said today (Fri) he was very disturbed by the package.Ernhard said he had received it on […]