Lorry driver fight escalates to knife-fight

General News

A disagreement between two truck drivers at a highway parking area ended in blood after one pulled out a bread knife at Weer in Tyrol. Around 21:30 the two men – one Romanian and one Bosnian – had a disagreement about a parking space, according to the police. The Bosnian, who had been having a […]

German dies in Tyrolean Alps

General News

A German hiker died while being transported into the valley after an accident. The tourist dropped down a ravine on the Schönbichler Horn Mountain in the Tyrolean district of Schwaz yesterday (Thurs). Mountain rescuers were kept from using a chopper to get him to a clinic due to bad weather conditions. The 49-year-old – who […]

Weed-killing farmer zapped by 25 KV line

General News

A Tyrolean farmer died instantly when his tractor touched a high-power line today (Weds).Officials in Weer in the province’s Schwaz district said the man, 49, was spraying herbicides on weed in his fields when his tractor’s trailer got entangled with a 25 kilovolt (KV) line. The farmer died on the spot, they added.Dozens of households […]