Romanian Dracula bites Turk in Graz

General News

Sorin Ionescu, 39, from Transylvania in Romania has been arrested in the southern Austrian city of Graz after he bit a 23-year-old Turkish man in the neck when the pair got into an argument. Police said both were drunk and the Turkish man had to be hospitalised with neck injuries after the biting attack from […]

Fraudster nabbed in Romania

General News

A Croat wanted internationally by police in Austria was arrested in Romania, it has emerged.The Romanian Times reports today (Mon) that the 34-year-old was caught by police in the southern county of Ilfov.Austrian authorities had issued an international arrest warrant for serious fraud and secret data theft on the man.The suspect’s Austria-based companies accrued hundreds […]

Serial vending machine thief nabbed

General News

A Romanian man suspected of stealing coffee machines worth tens of thousands of Euros in Austria has been arrested in his homeland.Daniel D. was caught in the city of Iasi in north-eastern Romania, according to the Romanian Times online newspaper. Austrian authorities issued a European arrest warrant on his name after finding out that he […]

Phaeton nicked in Austria found by Romanian police

General News

A Volkswagen (VW) limousine worth 100,000 Euros which was nicked in Austria has reappeared in Romania.Specialised car theft investigators of the domestic police force said today (Fri) that they had discovered the Phaeton in a garage in the city of Petrosani. The expensive limousine was reported as stolen by its owner in Austria two weeks […]