Parents attack bullies outside school

General News

A Viennese couple may be prosecuted for attacking classmates of their daughter’s.The residents of Vienna’s Favoriten district confronted a group of three boys and one girl with their bullied child’s accusations after the end of lessons outside their school yesterday (Tues). When the teenagers ignored their questions, the adults became violent against them. The pair […]

FPÖ official sentenced over rifle threat

General News

A rightist politician has been given a suspended prison sentence for threatening his son with a rifle.Valentin Silberstein, who heads the Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) branch in the Lower Austrian town of Traismauer, fired a shot with his Winchester rifle at a company estate in Grafenwörth in the presence of his 19-year-old son last month.The teenager, […]

Politician ‘threatened son with rifle’

General News

A Freedom Party (FPÖ) official has been arrested for threatening his son with a rifle, according to reports.Viennese newspaper Heute reports today (Tues) that Valentin Silberstein, head of the rightist party’s branch in Traismauer, Lower Austria, was put in custody for firing shots with his Winchester rifle at a company estate in Grafenwörth in the […]

Hunter seriously injured by ‘friendly fire’

General News

A 48-year-old man is fighting for his life after he was shot by another hunter during a hare hunt in Upper Austria on Saturday.The hunter from Mistelbach in Lower Austria was hospitalised in Linz after the incident at the hunting outing near Vorderweißenbach in Upper Austria’s Urfahr-Umgebung district.He underwent emergency surgery on the same day […]