Cats get a shaving as fur traders haunt Styria

General News

Cat owners in Styria have been advised by police to shave their pets after more than 50 cats went missing in two months.Detectives hope the move will thwart the crooks who they believe are stealing the animals for their coats.”Cat fur goes for just 20 Euros in Hungary,” one undercover investigator said today (Mon).”But maybe […]

Anger as Chinese rock to be lifted on Austrian peak

General News

Environmentalists have appealed to decision-makers to pull the plug on a controversial installation on one of Austria’s highest mountains.Organisers of Styria’s Regionale10 festival announced recently that famed Chinese artist Ai Weiwei will oversee the positioning of a four-tonne rock at the 2,995-metre Hoher Dachstein later this week.Ai Weiwei – an outspoken critic of the Chinese […]