Injured Austrian soldier to be flown home from Kosovo

General News

A soldier from Upper Austria who was seriously injured whilst on operation in Kosovo is to be flown home today (Weds). The KFOR (Kosovo Force) troops came under attack from Serbians in northern Kosovo during a demonstration on Monday afternoon. Boxed in by road blocks the soldiers, who were from Austria and Germany, were pelted […]

Austrian soldier suspected of sex attacks in Kosovo

General News

An Austrian militiaman participating in an international peacekeeping operation has been accused of rape, it emerged today (Fri).The Austrian army announced it decided to suspend the suspect and report him to prosecutors in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, after three women said he tried to rape them.The women, who came forward last week, were working in an office […]

Taliban ‘use Austrian weapons’


Allied forces fighting in Afghanistan found Austrian weaponry in raided Taliban hideouts, according to leaked files.Internet portal Wikileaks got hold of secret United States documents suggesting that troops operating in the crisis-stricken country discovered grenades and bomb throwers produced in Austria.Austrian officials stressed it would be illegal for companies in the country to sell weapons […]