Cellar Girl: Kampusch Dad Launches Book Naming Second Kidnapper

General News

The father of girl in the cellar Natascha Kampusch – locked in an underground dungeon and raped for for eight-and-a-half years – has written a book accusing her kidnapper’s best friend of being his accomplice. Natascha Kampusch was 10 years old when she was snatched off the streets of Vienna and bundled into a van […]

Family father gets 18 years for abusing daughter

General News

A Viennese man has been sentenced to prison for molesting his daughter for five years. The 55-year-old – who resided with his family in Burgenland for years – was ordered to spend 18 years at a secure institution for felons with psychological disorders by a court in Eisenstadt yesterday (Tues). The verdict is not yet […]