Cooperating clinics ‘can save €2bn’


A study has made aware of immense savings potential in the health sector. The investigation – carried out by the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) – shows that Austria’s clinics could cut their costs by two billion Euros in the coming five years by cooperating more closely. IHS experts said hospitals should specialise on certain […]

Austrians have high payment morale, KSV says


Private businesses have higher payment morale than public institutions, research has shown. KSV 1870 (KSV), a federal association for the protection of creditors, said yesterday (Thurs) debtors in Austria paid up after an average 30 days. The organisation – which investigated payment statistics in June – explained it took 38 days until public institutions like […]

Salzburg sets up free WLAN


Political decision-makers in other Austrian tourism hotspots may be pressed to act after Salzburg’s officials introduced free wireless local area network (WLAN) internet access.City officials said today (Thurs) residents and holidaymakers can enter the World Wide Web (WWW) free of charge with their laptops, notebooks, tablets, PCs and smartphones at three popular places in the […]

Majority back study fees, survey shows

General News

More than two thirds of Austrians back so-called study fees and admission tests at the country’s universities and other higher educational institutions, a new poll has shown.Public opinion research agency Market said today (Weds) 68 per cent of the 704 Austrians aged 15 and older who had been polled had said they were in favour […]