Record-low participation tarnishes Fischer victory


Incumbent president Heinz Fischer’s clear victory in yesterday’s (Sun) presidential elections was overshadowed by a record-low turn out.Around 50 per cent of Austrians stayed away from the polling booths as almost 79 per cent of the 6.3 million Austrians entitled to vote supported the former Social Democratic (SPÖ) science minister.The Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) Barbara Rosenkranz […]

Fischer ‘satisfied’ with first term as election nears


President Heinz Fischer said he was “satisfied” with his first term in office as Austrians head to the polling booths next Sunday (25 April).Fischer is up against the Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) Barbara Rosenkranz and Rudolf Gehring, head of the non-parliament Christians Party (CPÖ) in the upcoming election. He took office in 2004 and decided last […]