Widespread determination to cut expenses

General News

Almost one out of three Austrians plan to spend less next year. Insurance company Generali conducted a poll to find that 30 per cent of people residing in the small European Union (EU) and Eurozone member intended to tighten their belts in 2012. Seventeen per cent told the insurer they would cut back their holiday […]

Austrian jobless rate lowest in EU


Austria remains Europe’s model pupil as far as unemployment rates are regarded. The country, which joined the European Union (EU) in 1995, had a jobless rate of 4.1 per cent in October, according to research by Eurostat. The agency carries out research for the European Commission (EC). Eurostat said today (Weds) Luxembourg registered the second-lowest […]

Milk and coffee more costly


Some of the most popular foodstuffs became significantly more expensive last month. Statistik Austria said yesterday (Weds) that dairy products became seven per cent more expensive from October 2010 to the same month of this year. Statisticians also consider eggs in this price group. The price of bread and meat rose by four per cent. […]

Rents to rise shortly


Hundreds of thousands of Austrians will be forced to fork out more on rent soon. Radio station Ö1 reported yesterday (Tues) prices would be increased for certain categories of contracts. According to tenants’ representatives, 300,000 households will feel the price hikes set to come into effect later this month or next month. They explained that, […]

Out of wedlock birth rate up

General News

More than four in 10 babies were born out of wedlock last year, figures presented today (Thurs) reveal.Austrian statistic authority Statistik Austria announced that 40.1 per cent of all babies born in 2010 were born out of wedlock, up slightly from 39.2 per cent in the previous year.Carinthia registered the highest share of illegitimate births […]