Austrian docs cure boys eating phobia

General News

A young boy who has been unable to eat or drink anything for five years due to a severe phobia has finally taken his first sips thanks to Austrian doctors. English lad Daniel Harrison, 5, would not let anything pass his lips – even though there is nothing physically stopping him. According to the Daily […]

Dog days for clumsy Arnautovic


Werder Bremen star Marko Arnautovic will be sidelined for more than a month after injuring his knee while playing with his dog. The Austrian national team striker’s club announced yesterday (Thurs) that the 22-year-old could be ruled out for six weeks. Arnautovic reportedly fell over in his garden after getting stuck with his foot on […]

Kids to prepare pumpkin feast for elephants


Children have been invited to create special delicacies for a baby elephant in a zoo in Vienna.Schönbrunn Zoo managers said today (Weds) kids were welcome to participate in seven workshops in which they hollow out pumpkins from this Saturday (16 October; call +43 1 877 929 45 00 to sign up).While some of the vegetables […]