Gay footballers debate intensifies after ‘ballet’ quote


A public discussion over gay people in Croatian football sparked by controversial quotes of a Rapid Vienna legend has worsened as the vice president of a top-flight club said homosexuals “are for ballet”.Zdravko Mamic, vice president of champion team Dinamo Zagreb, said today (Weds): “I wouldn’t want gay people in my team either.”His statement, made […]

No gay footballers, says Markovic


A Rapid Vienna fan favourite has caused outrage among homosexuals by claiming that there were only “normal people” on his team.Croatian Football Federation President Vlatko Markovic, who played for Wiener Sportklub in the 1960s before managing Rapid in the 1985/1986 season, said in a newspaper interview: “As long as I head the football federation, there […]

Truffles offence extends Austrian’s stay in Croatia

General News

A Viennese man has been fined in Croatia for trying to take purchased truffles to Austria.Klaus H. told Austrian newspapers today (Fri) he had been unaware that every export of the delicacy – he bought 130 grams for 60 Euros at a market – must be reported to Croatian officials.The 44-year-old was ordered to spend […]

Croatia wins arbitration against Austrian firm


Croatia is celebrating after a United Nations (UN) court rejected an Austrian company’s demand for 80 million Euros compensation over a failed gambling venture.The gambling project was set up by the Croatian Lottery together with the Austrian firm Adria Beteiligungs GmbH (Adria) which suffered during the independence war and was eventually scrapped over management differences.The […]

Fake suicide gets four years for child abuse

General News

A pensioner who faked his own suicide to escape a sex abuse trial was sentenced to four years in prison on Friday.A court in Korneuburg, Lower Austria, heard how Helmut B. was found alive and well at an Upper Austrian monastery months after being declared dead.The 68-year-old staged his own suicide by jumping off a […]

Austrian culture festival opens in Osijek


A three-day event promoting Austrian culture opened at the Archaeological Museum of Osijek, Croatia, yesterday (Thurs).Organizers of the Austrian Cultural Forum Festival are the Croatian-Austrian Association in Osijek, the Austrian Cultural Forum and their partners in both countries. They said the event’s purpose was to promote artistic dialogue between Croatia and Austria.Croatian Times quotes Jan […]