Austrian paedophile jailed in Spain

General News

An Austrian pensioner has been sentenced to more than four years in jail for molesting kids and possessing underage pornographic material by a court in Spain.Judges heard how Rudolf C. lured the boys – a neighbour, 14, and his nine-year-old nephew – into his villa in San Juan de Alicante at the Costa Blanca for […]

Bounty promised after cat shot

General News

An animal rights organisation has issued a reward for decisive tip-offs after a kitten was murdered.The animal had to be put down due to its serious injuries. It was shot with some kind of weapon on Sunday or Monday, police in the Vorarlberg city of Bregenz said today (Fri).Now Vier Pfoten, an internationally operating non-government […]

Leykam seeks staff after credit crunch sackings


Bosses at Styrian printing company Leykam Let’s Print announced today (Fri) they were looking for new staff after seeing order value rise again.The firm had to dismiss ten workers at its plant in Neudörfl, Burgenland, in March 2009 due to a sharp decrease in assignments. Dozens more were put into part-time jobs to avoid further […]