Girl bully sentenced

A teenager has been sentenced to pay a fine for perpetually threatening another girl on the school bus.The 15-year-old defendant was reported to the police by her victim of the same age for constantly threatening to beat her up. State prosecutors informed judges in Feldkirch, Vorarlberg, yesterday (Thurs) that the offender mobbed her victim for months before the girl eventually informed the police.The abusive teen was ordered to pay a fine of 120 Euros. Another 200 Euros were suspended. Her victim has not be granted any compensation, according to local newspapers. The girl will be jailed at a youth prison if neither she nor her parents can afford transferring the amount.Juridical experts and psychologists have said the verdict could encourage under-aged victims of bullying to come forward and take their case to court.Meanwhile, surveys have suggested that 20 to 40 per cent of children and teenagers living in Austria could have experienced so-called cyber bullying. Research found that up to four in 10 minors may have become victims of bullying on the internet themselves or have friends who have experienced mobbing online.