Teens may have caused hay blaze

Two teenagers have been accused of setting dozens of hay bales on fire yesterday (Thurs).Officials in Prinzersdorf in the province of Lower Austria said today no one was injured when the 70-odd bales of hay burnt away on a pasture outside the town.Around 40 fire-fighters were kept busy for hours putting out the blaze, they said, adding that overall damage ranges around 3,000 Euros.Local police said the teenage boys aged 13 and 14 had been accused of having started the fire as investigations continue.Earlier this week, five teens told police in the Upper Austrian town of Scharnstein they set their school on fire because they were “bored” during the summer holidays.The boys aged between 13 and 15 admitted torching part of their local secondary school earlier this month. They also confessed having smashed the windows in adjacent buildings and damaging rubbish bins.