Biggest resort in Croatia opened by Falkensteiner


The 160 million Euros worth Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort in Petrcani near Zadar (northern Dalmatia) has opened doors to tourists after eight years of construction, writes the daily Slobodna Dalmacija. The resort is the Austrian company Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group AG’s biggest Croatian project that took eight years to complete, although parts of it have […]

Strabag keeps busy in Zadar


Austrian building top dog Strabag said construction of a Croatian port would be finished by 2013.The Vienna-based company has been engaged in building the new Gazenica port in the Dalmatian city of Zadar since May 2009.Firm officials said today (Thurs) it had also been assigned to lead procedures in the second stage of the project […]