Strabag keeps busy in Zadar

Austrian building top dog Strabag said construction of a Croatian port would be finished by 2013.The Vienna-based company has been engaged in building the new Gazenica port in the Dalmatian city of Zadar since May 2009.Firm officials said today (Thurs) it had also been assigned to lead procedures in the second stage of the project for 93 million Euros.Overall value of the assignment makes an estimated 236 million Euros. The project is majorly financed by the German KfW banking group and the European Investment Bank (EIB).Strabag said around 300 employees will be engaged in building the new port which will have 12 piers, adding it planned to cooperate with domestic partners upon the project.The port will be the second-biggest of the country after the one in Split, according to online newspaper Croatian Times.Strabag is Austria’s biggest construction company when it comes to order value. It focuses assignments in Poland, Germany, Austria and the Central and Eastern European region (CEE).One of its latest orders is the assignment of building a bypass tunnel in the Swiss region of Graubünden for around 60 million Euros from June.