‘Voodoo terrorists’ nicked

General News

A married couple and a Graz man who used voodoo to terrorise a family in Abtissendorf in Styria’s Graz-Umgebung district have been arrested.Police said today (Fri) they had traced threatening SMS messages sent from the married couple to the family.The husband, 46, his wife, 23, and an accomplice, a 46-year-old Graz man, were arrested and […]

Church speaks out after Wagner comments on earthquake

General News

Senior Catholic figures in Austria have been forced to speak out after controversial comments by an ultra-conservative pastor over the Haiti earthquake.Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner had claimed 90 per cent of Haitians practised voodoo in an interview published in the newspaper Kurier on Sunday when he was asked if the Haitian earthquake had been God’s […]