Red Bull Stratos was PR that yielded little for science or sport

General News

The Red Bull Stratos project may have attracted a record number of viewers but it failed to deliver much of real scientific value, according to experts. Even scientists working in extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner’s hometown of Salzburg who carefully followed the project said that from a scientific point of view it delivered nothing. In Austria […]

Skydiver changes flights in spectacular manner


Daredevil skydiver Paul Steiner pulled off a breathtaking stunt as he somersaulted from one glider to another 2,000 metres in the air.The Salzburg-based extreme sports athlete first crawled from the cockpit of one Blanik L-13 glider above the Styrian Alps, before flipping himself under the wing to land on the second aircraft flying below.Steiner – […]

Sex abuse protester poses as crucified Jesus


Dozens of cops and firemen were kept busy by an odd performance from an artist protesting against sex abuse by Catholic Church clergy in Vienna today (Fri).Hundreds of passersby and tourists gathered at the square in front of St Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom) – one of the city’s main tourist attractions – when at 10am this […]