Weather – headache links rejected in study

General News

Weather has no significant effect on migraine sufferers’ condition, a landmark study has found. Vienna’s General Hospital (AKH) announced today (Fri) experts of the University Clinic for Neurology could not find strong indicators linking weather conditions and abrupt chances of weather to headaches and migraine in a survey. AKH explained the researchers cooperated with Vienna’s […]

Hofer attacks ‘nuclear power lobbyist’ Schüssel


Freedom Party (FPÖ) chiefs have turned their guns on People’s Party (ÖVP) officials in the wake of detonations at a nuclear power plant in Japan.FPÖ deputy chairman Norbert Hofer said today (Tues) former ÖVP Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel must make a decision over whether he wanted to be a “lobbyist for the nuclear power industry or […]

Berlakovich wants nuclear power plant ‘stress tests’


People’s Party (ÖVP) Environment and Agriculture Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich suggested nuclear power plants in Europe should undergo “stress tests” in the wake of occurrences in Japan.Detonations at several nuclear power stations in the Asian country, which was rattled by an immense earthquake last week, could lead to a meltdown and significant radiation.Now Berlakovich – who […]