Debtor torches his own home

General News

A man in debt in Tadten in Burgenland’s Neusiedl am See district set his own house on fire early Saturday morning, police said.The man, 35, used flammable liquid to torch the house in four different places.Police said the man had given contradictory accounts of what had supposedly happened and finally confessed to having started the […]

Russian saved trying to cross Alps on foot

General News

A Russian man who tried crossing the Alps on foot into Italy on Saturday was saved by a rescue helicopter, police said.Local residents notified police after seeing the 35-year-old Russian battling through heavy snowfall on the Timmelsjoch high-Alpine highway, which is closed for the winter.The man, who did not have a passport and visa, was […]

Old man’s body found in East Tyrol

General News

The body of an 88-year-old man was found lying in a stream this morning (Mon) in Dölsach, East Tyrol, police said.A search for the man, last seen alive on Saturday, had begun shortly after midnight.Police said he had probably slipped on an icy incline and plunged into the stream.