Volkstheater stages Brecht classic


A revamped adaption of a celebrated play by Bertolt Brecht is drawing the crowds at the Volkstheater in Vienna.”Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti” is regarded as one of the highlights of the theatre’s current season.While critics unanimously praised main characters Marcello de Nardo and Günter Franzmeier, some criticised director Thomas Schulte-Michels’ decision to trim […]

Kampusch play draws the crowds


A theatre play focusing on the media hunt on Natascha Kampusch is playing to sold-out crowds at a Viennese theatre.”Die Beteiligten” by Kathrin Röggla, which is now on at the Akademietheater, portrays the public’s reaction to the headline-hitting abduction drama and Kampusch’s decision to give a TV interview just days after she managed to flee […]