Disputed beverages purchase ID act scrapped


The federal government has decided to withdraw a new law regarding the purchase of beverages just one month after it went into effect.Shoppers and branch representatives were outraged by the stricter regulation enforcing customers to identify themselves at the till when they bought two or more bottles of schnapps, more than 20 litres of beer, […]

Stricter drink purchase ID law causes a stir


Foodstuff branch representatives and many customers feel infuriated by a new law ordering shoppers to identify themselves if they plan to buy more than 10 litres of wine.The federal finance ministry, which is headed by People’s Party (ÖVP) chairman Josef Pröll, decided that supermarket customers must fill in a form if they purchase more than […]

Rioting boozer arrested

General News

A drunken pub-goer has been put into custody after attacking a waitress.The 28-year-old turned violent after being asked to pay the 18-Euro bill for six large beers at the pub in the Viennese district of Simmering yesterday afternoon (Thurs). He attacked staff and damaged some of the pub’s interior.The inn’s manager called the police who […]

Austrian brewers employ nearly 4,000


Almost 4,000 people work for Austrian breweries, new figures show.A study published by magazine News reveals the country’s 69 brewing companies have around 3,900 employees. Only Germany’s 1,319 breweries (29,604) and the 124 Belgian beer firms (5,190) have more staff in the European Union (EU). There are significantly more breweries in Denmark (120) than in […]