Gastein congress tackles fat tax question

General News

New statistics released last month reveal every fifth child between the age of 11 and 13 in Austria is overweight, five per cent are obese. These figures represent a 40 per cent increase over the last 16 years. If these trends continue they will reach epidemic levels. The Austrian Green Party is pressing for higher […]

Disputed beverages purchase ID act scrapped


The federal government has decided to withdraw a new law regarding the purchase of beverages just one month after it went into effect.Shoppers and branch representatives were outraged by the stricter regulation enforcing customers to identify themselves at the till when they bought two or more bottles of schnapps, more than 20 litres of beer, […]

Stricter drink purchase ID law causes a stir


Foodstuff branch representatives and many customers feel infuriated by a new law ordering shoppers to identify themselves if they plan to buy more than 10 litres of wine.The federal finance ministry, which is headed by People’s Party (ÖVP) chairman Josef Pröll, decided that supermarket customers must fill in a form if they purchase more than […]