Stormy weather causes havoc in Austria

General News

Heavy storms followed a weekend of record breaking temperatures throughout Austria on Sunday evening. Large parts of the country were affected as thunder storms, heavy hail and rain swept through Austria. In Tirol large numbers of trees fell onto roads due to heavy winds, power lines were brought down leaving some households without power. Salzburg […]

Hail causes €3mn havoc


Thousands of hectares of agricultural land have been devastated by thunderstorms.Powerful thunderstorms and hail wrecked crops of around 7,000 hectares of land in Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Burgenland at the weekend, the Austrian Hail Insurance Association said today (Mon). Hundreds of firemen had to pump water from flooded cellars and homes.The insurer explained […]

Insurers brace for record bill this year


Insurers have said they may have to pay out more natural disaster compensation than ever before as Austria has been hit by several devastating thunderstorms and floods.The federal Association of Austrian Insurance Agencies said today (Fri) damages to insured estates caused by freak weather conditions equals around 200 million Euros so far this year.The body […]