Demonstration for Schlesinger twins

General News

A demonstration will take place at the Austrian Embassy, 18 Belgrave Square in London, on 13 March 2013 at 6 p.m., to promote awareness of the tragic plight of British citizen Beth Schlesinger (nee Alexander) and her three year old twin sons Samuel and Benjamin in Vienna. During the course of the demonstration a petition […]

Bishop nomination is Vatican’s demonstration of power, say critics

General News

The appointment of Ägidius Zsifkovics as new bishop of the Eisenstadt diocese has been branded a “reckless demonstration of power by the Vatican.”Theologian Paul Zulehner said he was “disappointed” to hear of today’s (Fri) decision of the Austrian Roman Catholic Church to make Zsifkovics the successor of Paul Iby.”I don’t think he will be accepted […]

Vienna red ribbon kiss action announced


Thousands of kissing people will form a giant red ribbon at a the courtyard of Vienna’s Belvedere castle to make aware of the dangers of AIDS and HIV on 21 July.Agnes Husslein-Arco, director of the city’s Belvedere gallery, said yesterday (Mon) the first 1,000 people getting signed up to take part in the “Kiss at […]

Rosenkranz campaign event ends early ‘due to Socialist demo’


Freedom Party (FPÖ) presidential candidate Barbara Rosenkranz ended a campaign event in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, early after she felt “disturbed” by demonstrating young Socialists.FPÖ MP Bernhard Themessl said the party’s stand was “barricaded” by the demonstration of the Socialistic Youth, a youth organisation of the governing Social Democrats (SPÖ).Dornbirn police however said about yesterday’s (Weds) incidents […]