One in two sushi sets unfit to eat, tests show


Japanese cuisine enthusiasts living in Linz are being advised to rethink their culinary preferences as half of all sushi dishes tested by food watchdogs were rated inedible.The Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AKOÖ) said today (Weds) it had examined 10 sushi meals offered by eateries in the city of Linz and its suburbs. The body said […]

Shops shamed by fishy findings


The results of a series of food tests are likely to turn fish lovers’ stomachs.The Austrian Labour Chamber (AK) said today (Fri) two of the 20 fresh fish it bought at Viennese supermarkets and specialised dealers were unfit to eat.AK said the affected products also smelt bad when they were examined after being purchased. The […]

Ice cream quality check serves up chilling results

General News

An ice cream investigation has revealed almost one in four served to the public suffer serious hygiene flaws.The Upper Austrian Labour Chamber (AKOÖ) said today (Tues) that hygiene specialists who examined ice cream on sale at parlours in the provincial capital Linz found only eight of the 19 probes they took to be of passable […]