Team Stronach opens Eisenstadt offices

Frank Stronach inaugurated his new regional party office in Eisenstadt (Burgenland) yesterday (Thursday).

Around 100 people gathered outside the Team Stronach office in the Neusiedler Strasse to celebrate.

The Austro-Canadian businessman and party leader Frank Stronach shook everyone’s hand and held a speech on his political and economic philosophy. He then dedicated some time to personal discussions.

Stronach, who is looking to win votes in Burgenland, said: “The people of Burgenland didn’t have a choice – now they do. I am very optimistic that we will be very popular here.”

The top candidate for the Team Stronach party in Burgenland Rouven Ertlschweiger said: “We have to be realistic. We have been here a good nine months. We are very strong in the north – maybe because I come from Pöttsching. In the south, we still have white patches but we are optimistic.”

Ertlschweiger refused to give an estimate for an election result in Burgenland but said Team Stronach aimed to win over 10 percent of voters in Austria.