Iranian defaces synagogue

An Iranian has admitted defacing a synagogue in a Lower Austrian town more than a dozen times.Police in Baden, which is located south of Vienna, announced today (Tues) that the 51-year-old agreed to come up for the overall damage he caused. The local resident was interviewed by officers investigating 14 incidents in which the town’s synagogue was smeared with ink and cooking oil.The suspect made a full confession when he was quizzed by police. The man offered to pay for repair works in a bid to escape further punishment. It has not been made clear by officials whether the Iranian will be criminally charged for his actions. Baden’s authorities explained prosecutors in Wiener Neustadt will examine the case.The man told investigators he decided to “take revenge” for being treated badly while working for an Israeli company in the Tehran, the capital city of Iran.The series of defacements of the synagogue in Baden was solved around half a year after the Mariazell Basilica – Austria’s most important pilgrimage site – was smeared with anti-Islamic slogans.Police in Styria are still trying to find out who sprayed statements like “Der Koran ist dem Teufel seine Bibel” (Koran is the bible of the devil) on the outer wall of the Catholic church.The Nazi era forced labour and concentration camp in Mauthausen, Upper Austria, has also been defaced several times in the past few years.