Docs more trustworthy than police, poll shows

Austrians put more trust in doctors than policemen, new figures show.A poll by the Gallup Institute reveals that the 1,000 interviewed people gave general practitioners an average 8.1 points on a trust index from zero to 10. Police officers were ranked at 6.72 on the scale in which 10 was the top mark.Banks – which reportedly suffered in reputation in the economic crisis – came ahead of the Austrian police with 6.96 points.Viennese research group Karmasin however found recently that 62 per cent of Austrians said they had even less trust in banks now than they did one year ago.Federal President Heinz Fischer achieved 5.34 points in the recent Gallup trust survey. “Politicians in general” were found to be the least reliable group in the study, with a score of 3.75.