Government to compensate Fritzl family

The Austrian government has finally decided to compensate the victims of incest monster Josef Fritzl, it has been reported.Reports in Viennese newspapers claim that the coalition of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the People’s Party (ÖVP) will financially support Fritzl’s daughter Elisabeth and her six children based on the new victims of crimes law – more than two years after the incest drama emerged. It is unclear how much money the family could receive. The government denied to comment today’s (Weds) reports.Fritzl was put in custody in April 2008 and sentenced to life behind bars last year for raping his own daughter more than 3,000 times in 24 years in a self-built basement dungeon below the family home in Amstetten, Lower Austria. Elisabeth and her kids live in a small town in the Austrian countryside today.Liquidator Walter Anzböck, meanwhile, announced that the family were unlikely to receive any money from a controversial construction project set to be carried out just half a kilometre from the “house of horror”.Anzböck explained today he expected the Hypo NÖ Landesbank to demand the full revenue of the Fritzl’s project featuring 13 terraced houses, an office complex and an underground car park since Fritzl has around three million Euros of debt. The 75-year-old took out a loan at the bank when acquiring the estate where the complex will be built shortly.Residents of the town’s Waidhofner Street are currently negotiating how to stop the project amid fears of a media hype in their remote street. Amstetten’s SPÖ Mayor Herbert Katzengruber argued his team saw no chance to stop the construction from going ahead.Markus Sonnleitner, a bankruptcy trustee managing Fritzl’s estate, said yesterday he expected the former family home to be torn down after Anzböck failed to find an investor. “The house is destined to be demolished. Many people want it to disappear,” he explained.