More subsidies requested for mountain huts

For the first time, alpine associations will receive money from the tourism fund of the state of Salzburg for the maintenance of their mountain cabins. The “Alpine Club” is pleased but expects to get more subsidies from the public.

The mountain huts of the alpine associations in Salzburg will receive 50,000 Euros subsidies per year for the next three years. Although this sounds like a lot of money, officials of the “Alpine Club” and the “Naturfreunde” think that this is only a drop in the ocean.

However, they are pleased that the state’s tourism promotion fund has eventually contributed. Up to now, the sport department has supported the mountain huts with 60,000 Euros per year.

Ulrich Mühlthaler of the Alpine Club, section Salzburg-town, said that the additional money from the fund will be a duplication of the previous subsidy.

“We are glad about every additional Euro we get. If the government of Salzburg announces this, we also hope that they will keep their promise after the elections. Perhaps, this will be a good-bye present of the “old” state government to the alpine associations”, Mr Mühlthaler stated.

Peter Kraus, a volunteer, who is in charge of mountain cabins in Salzburg, emphasised that huts and paths were foundations of summer tourism. Apparently, alpine associations have tried to get more subsidies for a long time.

Mr Kraus thinks that the new subsidy is positive, but he doubts that 50,000 Euros per year are enough.