‘Dr Death’ exhibits in Vienna

The acclaimed “Körperwelten der Tiere” (Animals’ Body Worlds) exhibit by anatomist Gunther von Hagens has opened in Vienna.The exhibition, which will be on at the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHM, Museum of Natural History of Vienna) until 7 March of next year, gives a fantastic insight into the inner structures of animals’ bodies. It features 20 preserved full-bodies and 120 body parts.It is the first time the new exhibit will be on display outside Germany.Von Hagens, who has been nicknamed “Dr Death”, had worldwide success with his travelling “Körperwelten” (Body Worlds) exhibit featuring preserved human bodies. Some critics have accused the German of lacking respect for the dead.The NHM is one of Austria’s most popular museums and a major tourist attraction in Vienna. The venue, which is located in the city centre, registered more than 372,000 visitors last year. Its showrooms and stores include around 20 million objects.>> www.nhm-wien.ac.at