‘Short and sweet’ ORF farewell as Spera set to head Jewish Museum

Danielle Spera has said her farewell as host of Austria’s most popular TV news programme will be “slightly wistful”.Spera has presented national broadcaster ORF’s “Zeit im Bild” show at 7.30pm for 22 years before it emerged earlier this year that she is to become director of Vienna’s Jewish Museum.The 52-year-old explained ahead of tonight’s (Weds) edition of the programme which will mark her final appearance as its anchorwoman: “I look back slightly wistfully since it was a wonderful time. But my farewell on air will be short and sweet. I’m looking forward to all future challenges.”Spera, who was at the ORF since 1978, will be replaced by Marie Claire Zimmermann who has hosted the news show’s late edition screened at 10pm every night on ORF 2.Zimmermann will team up with Tarek Leitner, while the “Zeit im Bild’s” other presenter pairing is formed by Hannelore Veit and Gerald Groß. The programme – which is also available on the station’s website – has an audience of around one million.Spera is meanwhile set to take over from Karl Albrecht-Weinberger whose contract as head of the Jewish Museum on Vienna expires at the end of this month. The “Romy” winner reportedly beat 13 other applicants including renowned personalities like filmmaker Ruth Beckermann for the post.