Whizz kid Setz set to read at London Book Fair

More than two dozen Austrian publishing houses will be represented at the upcoming London Book Fair (LBF).Austrian book trading officials announced today (Fri) 26 publishing houses will have representatives at the three-day event starting next Monday (19 April). The Austrian publishers will cooperate in presenting their products at the fair, they added.A reading by up-and-coming literature star Clemens J. Setz is one of the many planned activities for the London event. “Die Frequenzen”, the Graz-based writer’s second novel, made the final six in last year’s German Book Prize.More than 1,600 exhibitors from 58 countries took part in last year’s LBF attended by around 23,000 people.A smooth procedure of next week’s event was put at stake by Wednesday’s eruption of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjoll or Eyjafjallajokull which led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights in Northern and Central Europe since yesterday.