Vorarlberg confident of spending power

Residents of Vorarlberg are putting more trust in their own spending power than last year, according to new research.Dornbirn-based agency Team a5 found that 64 per cent of interviewed people rated the spending power of people living in the province as “good” or “excellent”, up by 16 per cent year on year. The study also shows that 27 per cent of people said they were able to afford more than in 2009.A majority of 61 per cent said they expected the western province’s economy to develop well next year. Only 49 per cent said the same when asked in 2009.Recent studies have shown that people employed in Vorarlberg earned 2,292 Euros before tax a month on average.Only staff in federal capital Vienna are doing better as they rake in an average 2,298 Euros. Burgenland (1,903 Euros) was identified did worst in the study conducted by Austrian insurance companies.Meanwhile, a poll by research agencies IFES and SORA revealed that 10 per cent of Austrians feared being unable to make ends meet.