Fairtrade Austria hopes for 2010 two-digit turnover rise

Austrians spent more on Fairtrade products year on year in 2009 and bosses expect another two-digit rise this year.Fairtrade Austria chief Hartwig Kirner said today (Weds) Austrian supermarkets made 72 million Euros with products of the international certification’s range last year, 10.8 per cent more than in 2008.”We expect another double-digit increase in turnover this year,” he said.Kirner said the most significant increases were registered for roses, coffee and bananas, adding that the Fairtrade chocolate range was the only section which remained stable instead of bringing soaring turnover figures.The Fairtrade Austria head stressed that every fourth coffee served in Austrian cafés and restaurants came from the international certification’s range in 2009.”Around 1,000 businesses in the gastronomy sector and in the hostel industry have Fairtrade products on offer. I think there is potential to reach double figures over the next five years,” Kirner said.Fairtrade is an international product certification system established in the 1960s. It was designed to allow people to identify products that meet agreed environmental, labour and developmental standards.