Luxury Sausages in Vienna

Culinary Guide

Sausage loving Austrians have gained a new treat in their culinary landscape after a gourmet sausage stand opened at Schwedenplatz. On the menu is the popular cheese sausage the Kasekrainer sold together with caviar and champagne. Cathedral chaplain Toni Faber blessed the new sausage stand and the man cooking up the menu was none other […]

Lake Constance Cuisine

Culinary Guide

The area around Lake Constance has always been known for certain culinary specialities, and in May, June and October respectively, a new offer will allow gourmet lovers to visit the lake to take part in a culinary weekend. The initiative is expected to be well received. As well as cheese specialities from the Vorarlberg region, […]

Sausage row moves to the next stage

Culinary Guide

The European Commission (EC) has confirmed that it has received an official application from Slovenia for official recognition and protected status for the “Krainer Wurst”. That means that other countries that might also want to lay claim to the famous sausage or to dispute the Slovenian claim now have six months to register their objections. […]

City offers free wall ashtrays to gastronomy

Culinary Guide

Officials in Vienna are offering free ashtrays to restaurants and cafes for smokers forced outside to enjoy a cigarette. Since the new rules came into effect on 1 July 2010 banning smoking in many places that do not meet certain specifications – an increasing number of smokers have been taking to the streets outside in […]

Frost destroys apple blossom

Culinary Guide

The unseasonal frost has destroyed up to 80 percent of the apple blossom in East Tyrol according to local farmers. The temperature dropped in the region to -5 degrees centigrade over the Easter weekend and farmers spokesman Hermann Kuenz who is himself a farmer said: “I’ve been in business 25 years and I’ve never seen […]

Asparagus season officially opens

Culinary Guide

The asparagus season has officially started in Austria and in the heart of asparagus country at Deutsch-Wagram it was a reason to celebrate with a band and an official festival. The now traditional “Spargelgala” is so popular that it has become a magnet for nearby Vienna high society that come to enjoy asparagus in all […]

Styrian heart beats on the Vienna Rathausplatz

Culinary Guide

The Styrian spring has arrived – of all places in the Vienna Rathausplatz. From today 12 April until 16 April everything in the town hall square will be decidedly Styrian. Alongside traditional Styrian music the bands will also be accompanied by a violinist and there is also a tap dancing group from Krieglach/Alpl. The whole […]