Radical Islamist is at it again

General News

A young Austrian sentenced to jail for endorsing terrorism may face charges after championing radical Islam just weeks after being released from prison. Mohammed M. was ordered to spend four years behind bars in 2007 after mulling over a terror attack in Austria during the Euro2008 football tournament in an online video. He was released […]

Terror crackdown over Reichstag attack plot


A new anti-terror draft bill presented by the People’s Party (ÖVP) has sparked mixed reactions among opposition factions. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, the ÖVP’s new interior minister, announced yesterday (Weds) she agreed with ÖVP Justice Minister Beatrix Karl that people who incite others to carry out terrorist acts should go to jail. The interior minister explained the […]

Terror travel suspect arrested


People’s Party (ÖVP) Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner has revealed intentions to implement stricter laws after an alleged organiser of trips to terror camps in Pakistan was put in detention. The minister explained today (Fri) she will meet ÖVP Justice Minister Beatrix Karl for talks over the issue. Mikl-Leitner – who was sworn in last April […]