Bus driver gets unwanted scaffolding coat

General News

A bus ended up with a scaffolding overcoat after dozy builders made it too low to support crumbling architecture at the front of a hotel in the city of Innsbruck. The scaffolding had been put up when large chunks of the Hotel Ibis at the local train station threatened to break off and fall onto […]

Long jams at long weekend likely, experts warn

General News

Traffic experts have warned of immense tailbacks on motorways across the country this weekend.Car clubs informed motorists jams of up to 30 kilometres (km) were possible at some of Austria’s highways such as the A10 Tauern motorway and the A13 Brenner motorway.They pointed out today (Fri) that tens of thousands of Germans were expected to […]

Acid leak shuts motorway

General News

A busy motorway was closed down for several hours this morning (Fri) after a lorry transporting a dangerous substance came off the road.The 54-year-old driver of the Hungarian truck carrying sulphuric acid was uninjured when the vehicle overturned and landed on the embankment at around 5.30am on the A4 eastern motorway. The man may fallen […]