Vienna mayor says Turkish schools ‘possible’


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Vienna Mayor Michael Häupl revealed he could imagine Turkish schools in Austria.Speaking at a joint press conference with Kadri Ecvet Tezcan, Turkey’s ambassador in Austria, Häupl said today (Fri) he thought it was “possible” that there would be Turkish schools in the Austrian capital one day.The mayor also stressed however how important […]

Strache feels ‘confirmed’ by Islam poll results


Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache said results of a survey showing a vast majority of Austrians believed Muslims would “not stick to the rules” in Austria confirmed his party’s policies.Strache said yesterday (Weds): “It is important to carefully observe current and future development. The development of ‘parallel societies’ must be stopped.”The right-winger added it […]