AUA ‘to jack up cancellation fees’


Austrian Airlines (AUA) is set to introduce higher cancellation fees, Austrian business newspapers report today (Weds). Viennese dailies write that the economically challenged airline will ask costumers wanting to cancel or change their bookings for flights within Europe for 60 instead of 50 Euros as of 1 August. Reports also have it that changes regarding […]

Gang steal hotel safe

General News

A gang of thieves deactivated a hotel’s alarm system before making off with its safe, it was reported today (Thurs). The crime occurred in Tannheim, Tyrol, on Tuesday night. The burglars apparently used one of the hotel’s own luggage trolleys to get the safe – containing thousands of Euros in cash – outside the building.

CAT boss says sorry for chilly terminal

General News

The chief manager of a train service connecting Vienna International Airport (VIA) and the capital’s city centre in just 16 minutes has apologised after customers were forced to wait in the cold.People using the City Airport Train (CAT) to get from Vienna’s Landstraße station to the airport complained about the terminal being unheated for several […]

Carinthia seizes 350 kilos of mushrooms

General News

Mountain authorities in Carinthia confiscated more than 300 kilograms of illegally collected mushrooms this summer, it has emerged.The local Alpine administration body said today (Fri) officials seized 350 kilograms of mushrooms from people who breached regulations.Provincial rules have it that people must not pick more than two kilos of mushrooms a day per capita during […]

Austrian drug smugglers arrested in Bavaria

General News

Three Austrians aged 34, 43 and 45 have been arrested at a traffic check point on the A3 motorway near Passau, Bavaria, for possession of four kilos of hashishGerman police said they had found the drug and 35,000 Euros in cash in a plastic sack underneath the trio’s luggage in the boot during a search […]