Dutch Royals to come back to Lech this year

General News

The Dutch Royal family have said they will continue to have their winter holiday in Lech in Austria despite the accident that left Prince Johan Friso in a coma. The Prince was buried in an avalance while skiing off piste with a friend. But the Royal family have said that they still plan to come […]

Iron men on the move

General News

‘Suicide’ sculptures by British artist Anthony Gormley have been given the push by Austrian officials. The 100 sculptures – identical to works in London and New York – show life-sized men standing on the edge of precipices over 100 square miles of peaks in Vorarlberg. The local officials had only given permission for the statues […]

Klausner to sell sawmills to Russian rivals, reports say


Struggling wood-processing firm Klausner is considering selling off its factories in Germany to a Russian rival, according to reports.Austrian newspapers report today (Weds) that the Tyrolean company, which is headquartered in Oberndorf, received an offer of 12 million Euros for its two sawmills in Landsberg am Lech and Wismar from competitor Ilim Timber Industry.Company bosses […]