Austria Accused Of Ignoring Giant Nazi Swastika

General News

A huge swastika that has scarred the walls of an Austrian castle for the past 80 years is still on view despite breaching strict postwar rules banning all Nazi symbols. Austrian officials stand accused of prevarication over the massive swastika that was painted on the side of Hochkraig Castle in the state of Carinthia in […]

Iranian defaces synagogue

General News

An Iranian has admitted defacing a synagogue in a Lower Austrian town more than a dozen times.Police in Baden, which is located south of Vienna, announced today (Tues) that the 51-year-old agreed to come up for the overall damage he caused. The local resident was interviewed by officers investigating 14 incidents in which the town’s […]

Austria to pay €6mn for Auschwitz preservation


The Austrian government has decided to contribute millions of Euros to the preservation of a concentration camp memorial in Poland.The Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the People’s Party (ÖVP) announced yesterday (Tues) that the Republic of Austria will support maintenance and renovation activities at the grounds of former Nazi death camp Auschwitz.Up to three million people […]

Nazi death camp undergoes renovation


Extensive renovation work at Third Reich forced labour camp Mauthausen started this morning, it has been reported.Christian Dürr, head of the former concentration camp’s archive, said today (Weds) that the memorial’s overall appearance will be improved during the next two years. He added that the installation of a new exhibition was planned as well.Dürr explained […]

Most supermarket apples contain pesticides, test shows


Most apples on sale in Austria are laced with pesticides, a consumer magazine report has shown.Consumer information magazine Konsument said today (Thurs) 12 of the 16 samples it took contained chemical agents. It added that the discovered amounts were nevertheless below the allowed concentration.The magazine also pointed out that none of the 104 organic fruits […]