Austrians in football fever

Austrians are in football fever despite not qualifying for the Euro 2012 tournament in Poland and Ukraine, a new study has shown.

The research by a Linz market research institute shows that 47 per cent of Austrians are interested in the football – that figure is only 10 per cent less than in 2008 when Austria and Switzerland hosted the competition.

Some 22 per cent of those asked said they were very interested in the tournament and 25 per cent said they were interested.

A further 22 per cent said they were not taking too much interest in the tournament whereas 31 per cent of people asked were not interested at all.

People aged between 15 and 29 showed the most interest in the tournament (42 per cent). Whereas 37 per cent of those aged 30-49 have no interest in the tournament.

Most people prefer to watch the football at home. 58 per cent watch the football alone or with their partner, 22 per cent together with friends. 13 per cent of people watch the game in pubs, 11 per cent choose public viewings or watch at friends houses.

But 34 per cent of those asked said they have not seen a single match so far.