Sex ad leaves right-wingers red-faced

A right-wing party’s youth organisation has vowed to review the organisation of its homepage after a banner advertised erotic contacts and a controversial computer game.The Vorarlberg branch of the Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) youth organisation RFJ confirmed today (Weds) that it cancelled the contract with an internet advertising company after a large banner which appeared on its own online platform linked to a firm in the sex industry.Another advertising spot the company, which cooperated with the RFJ Vorarlberg, was in charge of made aware of a new computer game in which players start running a snack stand but have the chance to become the manager of a brothel.The RFJ Vorarlberg said it took the disputed commercials off its homepage immediately after being made aware of them by users.”We would like to disassociate ourselves from these advertisements. It is regrettable that they were posted on our website,” it announced.The RFJ is the youth organisation of the FPÖ, the third-strongest political party in Austria. The RFJ has branches in all nine Austrian provinces. The FPÖ holds 34 of the 183 seats in the federal Austrian parliament in Vienna after winning 17.5 per cent in the 2008 general vote. It regained strength after several high-ranking FPÖ officials walked out to establish the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) six years ago. The BZÖ garnered 10.7 per cent in the federal election in 2008.