Start for a new mobile children hospice

The mobile hospice “Momo” is now offering free treatment for incurably ill children and their families. It is the third care establishment of its kind. The project also depends on donations.

Up to 800 children in Vienna and area are considered to be incurably ill. Two care establishments have taken care of them so far. Doctors, carers, pastoral workers and social workers have been supporting children and their families.

Caritas, Caritas Socialis and the mobile childcare “Moki” have now founded a third establishment called “Momo”.

Apparently, it is important not only to focus on the last phase of the children, but to offer them support at an earlier stage. The child hospice primarily depends on donations; however, the establishment will try to get public funds.

The mobile child hospice “Verein Netz” has been existing since 2007 and supports 30 families per year. Children are cared for on a medical, psycho-social and financial basis. It also takes care of siblings of the ill children.

The mobile care service of St. Anna Children’s Hospital only treats children with cancer. Although today’s medicine is making huge progress in regards to cancer treatment, every fourth child dies from the disease.

The umbrella association “Hospiz” in Austria stated that there is still a lot to do in regards to the care of incurably ill children. As the figures are not certain, a needs assessment would be necessary.

A long-term goal will be regularly financing palliative and hospice treatment of children and their relatives in order to reduce the dependence on donations.